Autumn is in full swing and you might be looking the best fall cocktails for that get together or Halloween party. We can’t just leave you without some guidance there. Someone might suggest some vodka cocktail or something (God forbid). So here are five easy cocktails to make at home courtesy of your good friends at Whiskey Tramp.
Read moreScotch, Japanese Whisky and Virginia Spirits Month
We thought we'd take some time each month to highlight some of the ones that we, particularly, enjoyed or were interested in or even the ones that spark some discussion for new content of our own on our slack channel. Who knows.
This doesn't apply to all of these. There's definitely no hard and fast rules being put in place here for what we're doing but to the extent that we can highlight news about local craft distillers or, in my case, Virginia distilleries we love to take the time to do that.
Read moreVirginia Spirits Month
It’s Virginia Spirits Month
It’s September again. It’s become a tradition around here for us to always have something to say around September. Not that we don’t always have something to say anyway but September is always special. Why September you may be asking yourself. Or maybe you’re not. Maybe if you’re someone that’s checking out a whiskey blog you have some idea that September is bourbon heritage month and that all around the country there are fun bourbon related activities going on.
Read moreThe WhiskeyTramp Guide to New York City Whiskey Distilleries
Ah New York. City of some 9 million people squeezed into 300 square miles that never stop, never slow down. And tucked away among skyscrapers and some of the best restaurants of the planet are a growing number of whiskey producers.
The WhiskeyTramp Guide to Bay Area Whiskey Distilleries
Fog makes for good whiskey.
The explosion of regional, small batch whiskey is one of the most exciting trends of the industry today. And we’ve been busy hunting, tasting, and searching for distilleries with a whiskey presence. So get out there to support your local Bay Area distillers!
Read moreDetroit for Christmas. Yes I said Christmas....
You might be asking yourself right now why you’re seeing a Christmas story in the middle of February. I could try and come up with an excuse but I won’t. I’m lazy. It’s a fact I’m comfortable living with and if you’re still reading after this intro well hey you probably are too.
Read moreCraft Whiskey. Is Innovation Exciting or Confusing?
It's both Bourbon Heritage Month and VA Spirits Month
September is both Bourbon heritage month and, here in Virginia, Virginia Spirits month. Last year we talked about our favorite places to go here in VA for bourbon heritage month. Seeing that Virginia is in some ways the birthplace of bourbon and given the way that the industry is booming here, with more than 40 distilleries in the state at this point. Even if Richmond can’t seem to decide if they want to make it easier to sell spirits or harder (just my own little aside) regardless when you pair that with the history of distilling here in the state you have to think that the two things (Bourbon Heritage Month and the Virginia Spirits Month) dovetail nicely together.
Read moreWhiskeytramping Around the UK Part 3
Shots from the shard, City of London Distillery, Tower of London and Roast
I covered the planning of the trip before and what my itinerary for the first three days was. Here, we’ll just cover what the last few days entailed. In as brief a manner as I can I’ll try and get to the good, the bad and what I wasn’t able to get to that I wished I had. Not necessarily in that order. We've provided you with a little music to enjoy while you read as well in case I'm not as brief as promised.
Read moreWhiskeytramping around the UK Part 2
Let's be honest. You can spend a ton of money on traveling the world or what you could do is wait until a friend is going somewhere on business and tag along mooching their free hotel room so you can kick around a cool place for a week.
Read moreFor your next trip maybe try the train
Bring your bourbon on your next trip? Travel Amtrak.
I’ve used Amtrak quite a bit for the last few trips I’ve taken and found myself raving about it to friends and family alike. While I’ll gladly admit, for a number of reasons, it is not the right choice for everyone under all conditions if you’re lucky enough to have a train station available to you, as I do you really owe it to yourself to at least give it a try.
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